There are many people in the world who are trying to earn money online without investment. They search a lot of program but in most of the program they can not make money because they are not aware about how to work on that particular program.
If we are talking about Online Earning Programs, how can we forget Clixsense. Clixsense is the top most paid to click website in the world. Many people do join Clixsense but stop working because of lack of knowledge to work on. Here I will introduce you to Clixsese in this Short Video Tutorial.
This tutorial will teach you each and every step to work on Clixsense and Earn money at home without any investment.
So, what are you waiting for, just play the below video and understand the process to earn money from home right now.
Best Ways To Earn Money Online. Real Online Jobs With Payment Proves. Very Interested Just try now.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
How to make money with clixsense by viewing ads?
You may notice that clixsense ads is not unlimited, one of the best way to increase your clixsense earning is to by viewing ads. But make sure to login every day and complete your ads view regularly. Clixsense never store your ads to view later. So if you plan to make some big changes into your clixsense earning first take a habit to view your ads daily base. Soon you will get more ads clixsense.
Here I have put examples that help you to figure out how actually clixsense ads work:
1 days earning by viewing ads: 26 X $0.01 =$ 0.26
10 days earning by viewing ads: 260 X $0.01=$2.6
30 days earning by viewing ads: 780 X $0.01=$7.8
Estimate time required per day: 5 minutes
Another intersecting face that you need to know that your clixsense ads is geographically targeted so your earning on per ads view is depend on your location. Rates per viewed ads are far better on western country than us.
ClixGrid Winning Pattern and Tips & Tricks
As we all know that the Clixsense is the top most trusted site to earn money online. We all are familiar with its earning strategies.
Clixsense gives a very good opportunity to earn from $0.10 - $10.00 to its user by playing ClixGrid game every day. To win in this game you play by clicking some squares/blocks on an image and it opens an advertisement. After watching this advertisement for 5-10 second, you will know you have won or better luck next time. You have 30-60 chances every day depend on your account status (Standard/Premium).
The problem is "how to win ClixGrid game" or you may say "how to know that, behind which square the winning prize is hidden."
This is not only yours mental condition, its a situation for all the Clixsense user including me. There are a lot of article written for ClixGrid game winning patterns. In personal, I don't believe in that articles or patterns.
The truth of ClixGrid win is, don't think about the winning and just make clicks everyday for all of available chances. you can not follow a pattern because if you click one ad, the picture will reload and also reloads the hidden prizes behind the squares. So, it totally depends on your luck. But it does not mean you can not win. You just have to try everyday and don't give up. You can win more than once in a day. Yes, Its true. I won ClixGrid twice in a day back to back on continues clicks.
ClixGrid is an add-on opportunity to earn / win money on ClixSense. Try to focus on daily ad clicking, complete more task, complete all available offers, watch videos everyday and after that in your free time, start playing ClixGrid game. Its Fun which can give you unexpected earning for ClixSense.
Clixsense gives a very good opportunity to earn from $0.10 - $10.00 to its user by playing ClixGrid game every day. To win in this game you play by clicking some squares/blocks on an image and it opens an advertisement. After watching this advertisement for 5-10 second, you will know you have won or better luck next time. You have 30-60 chances every day depend on your account status (Standard/Premium).
The problem is "how to win ClixGrid game" or you may say "how to know that, behind which square the winning prize is hidden."
This is not only yours mental condition, its a situation for all the Clixsense user including me. There are a lot of article written for ClixGrid game winning patterns. In personal, I don't believe in that articles or patterns.
The truth of ClixGrid win is, don't think about the winning and just make clicks everyday for all of available chances. you can not follow a pattern because if you click one ad, the picture will reload and also reloads the hidden prizes behind the squares. So, it totally depends on your luck. But it does not mean you can not win. You just have to try everyday and don't give up. You can win more than once in a day. Yes, Its true. I won ClixGrid twice in a day back to back on continues clicks.
ClixGrid is an add-on opportunity to earn / win money on ClixSense. Try to focus on daily ad clicking, complete more task, complete all available offers, watch videos everyday and after that in your free time, start playing ClixGrid game. Its Fun which can give you unexpected earning for ClixSense.
Basement of Earning Online
Now Do You Want To See How You can Earn More Than 100$ Per Month With This Top Ptc Website
1. You can earn by watching daily advertisements in your account.
2. You can earn by doing Tasks And Offers which is a great way of earning with Clixsense.
3. You can earn by referring others which is also a great way to earn with Clixsense.
1. Because Clixsense always paid me ON TIME.
2. Never suspended my account.
3. Always Helped me when i wanted to ask about any thing via forum or email support.
4. Provides many ways to earn.
5. Always provided me with feeling to be a part of bestest project ever.
Believe me I can bet that you can earn too and for free no investment needed all countries accepted but you have to follow my guidelines .
1. You can earn by watching daily advertisements in your account.
2. You can earn by doing Tasks And Offers which is a great way of earning with Clixsense.
3. You can earn by referring others which is also a great way to earn with Clixsense.
1. Because Clixsense always paid me ON TIME.
2. Never suspended my account.
3. Always Helped me when i wanted to ask about any thing via forum or email support.
4. Provides many ways to earn.
5. Always provided me with feeling to be a part of bestest project ever.
Believe me I can bet that you can earn too and for free no investment needed all countries accepted but you have to follow my guidelines .
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Tip for Pocket money earn from neobux

What's so attractive about PTC's is that they make it seem so easy. You don't need any experience whatsoever. All you need is a computer with an internet connection and be able to click a few ads here and there. However, because it seems so "easy", most people underestimate what they need to do, and end up failing. The ugly truth of the matter is, most people who join PTC's barely make any money, and those who've invested money come out at a loss.
Many of those who try PTC's do so with the right intentions... they work hard patiently, hoping to eventually make profit. But after months of hard work, they are not seeing results, become frustrated, and ultimately give up. And do you know the biggest reason they fail? No Direct Referrals
That's right. Not all PTC's are created equal. But they all have one thing in common - you can earn money from direct referrals. But they are not that easy to get... you have to promote, promote, promote. And after all that work, you still didn't get any referrals. Why is Getting Direct Referrals So Hard? The answer is simple: they do not have a working strategy. They joined Neobux with unrealistic expectations, hoping to make it rich quick. But when they realize that it is not making money fast, they start to become frustrated and lose hope. If this is you right now, then you are at the right place - keep reading and don't miss a word.
You can sign up under my referral: Here
What you need is a working strategy that shows them step by step how to effectively use PTC's. Either you are using PTC's or PTC's are using you - and I'm willing to bet you are part of the latter. But the good news is that the Neobux Ultimate Strategy Video Course has been designed for those who want to make it big, but don't know how. Here are some highlights of the NUS:
How to set up a PTC system that allows you to get referrals on auto-pilot, just set it and forget it! How to make yourself the authority to your subscribers, and have them hungry for your offers, practically begging to be your referrals A straightforward, affordable way to get your system going without "complicated" work - and you don't even need a website! A hidden trick that virtually no one knows about that can double your referral sign-ups instantly.
This video course will show you step by step what to do to implement those strategies laid out in the NUS - so that you won't be lost or confused as to what to do to next. This video course could be the thing that will take your PTC business to the next level, so get your hands on it while it's still cheap (the price will increase soon due to high demand). The NUS eBook is already included in the video course. Chances are, if you are in this newsletter, you have heard about the NUS, and the action-takers already bought a copy for themselves. The Video Course will take it to the next level by showing you exactly how to set up your PTC system in precise detail. So, if you are not a customer of the NUS eBook, then there is no better time to get it than now - since the eBook is included in the Video Course package. So you are essentially getting 2 products for the price of 1.
If you are already a customer of the eBook, you may be wondering why should you get the video course? Is it essential to have it? You don't "have to" buy anything. The video course was made by special request from subscribers like yourself. Some people don't like reading a lot of text, they can only learn through audio and visual if you are one of them, the video course is for you. But of course, it's better to have it than not have it. All you have to do is watch the videos and follow our simple step by step instructions - it's like having your own guide telling you what to do. No more being lost and confused with PTC's.
Maybe you're in the category of people who won't purchase now, but will purchase it later. That's cool too. But the video course may increase in price very soon, so waiting may literally cost you money. But, more importantly than the price, waiting may cost you money that you could be making with PTC's...right now. If you wait a month or two to get the course, you will miss out on the revenue that you could've made in those 2 months.
Tips and Warnings of Neobux Easy Money Earning

This is not a get rich quick method by any means.
If you can be patient and persistent with it, you will make money online with this PTC site.
It's going to take time (in some cases a long time), but it can be done. Remember to log in and view your ads every day.
If you are not viewing ads, you will not get paid for your referrals clicks. If you are feeling discouraged, check out the NeoBux forum. There are a lot of folks who post information regarding their methods, earnings, and provide payment proofs.
This can be great motivation. If you're up for it, find some folks to sign up under you as direct referrals. You don't have to rely solely on rented referrals, but it can be a great perk considering how difficult it can be to find direct referrals.
Latest tips for neobux Money earning

1.Keep in mind that this PTC site is in no way a get rich quick method and should not be looked at as a sole method to make money online. If you want to try out this route, it's best to look at it as a side hobby...something you can spend 10 minutes a day doing.
2.Another thing to keep in mind is that there is absolutely no requirement to invest any money on your part. NeoBux does allow you to rent referrals as well as upgrade your account, but you can easily do this with your earnings. If you would prefer to invest money in order to speed things along, you are able to, but it is totally optional.
3.Sign up for an account at NeoBux (see Resource Section below for a direct link).
4.Once you are signed up, you can begin to get paid to click on advertisements. Standard membership pays $0.01 per ad and provides you with anywhere from 4-6 ads per day. It's not much to start out with at all, which is why I recommend you consider it a hobby for now.
5.When you have earned enough money, rent some referrals. With the Standard Membership, you earn an additional $0.005 for each advertisement your referrals view.
6.This PTC site allows you to rent referrals starting at $0.28 per referral for 30 days. However, do not spend all of your earnings on referrals! You will need to keep a little extra in your account in order to renew or recycle your referrals if need be. NeoBux allows you the ability to recycle your rented referrals should they become inactive and aren't earning money. This is a great addition when you consider that when direct referrals stop clicking, you stop earning and have no control over it.
7.Once you have some rented referrals under your belt, active the Auto Pay feature. When a referral logs into their account and clicks on an ad, their rental history is automatically extended for one day. This is a great way to keep active referrals and make it easier for you to make money online. In addition, it will save you 10% off of the standard monthly referral rate.
8.When you log in to view advertisements each day, take a look at your referrals to monitor their activity. If any of them are inactive, you can easily recycle them for a new referral for $0.08 in order to keep your referral activity level up and earn more money online. How long you allow a referral to remain inactive is completely up to you, but if possible, it is recommended that you do not let them go more than 4 days without any activity.
9.Continue to repeat steps 4 through 7. Remember it may take some time to earn money online and increase the number of your rented referrals.
10.When you have earned enough money, upgrade your account to Golden (membership costs $90.00). The Standard membership will only allow you to rent up to 500 referrals. By upgrading to Golden (or higher) you can rent even more referrals and save on rental costs.
11.Again, repeat steps 4 through 7 on a daily basis. As your referral list grows, you may find that you will need to spend more time each day at NeoBux in order to monitor activity. By this time, however, you should be earning more than pennies a day.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
New Strategy to win clixsense Clixgrid
I tried lot of ways to click Clixgrid. I used following method when i clicked.
1) Single row clixgrid Click
2) Single Column Clixgrid Click
3) Cross Clixgrid Click
4) Scatter Clicking
Single Row Clixgrid Click
You can try this method. Click in a horizontal boxes. If you are standard member, you can only click one row only. Gold members can click two rows. Here is possibility is low. Because there is 30 x 20 Grid boxes. So we can't predict exact row. So here is choice to win very low.
Single Column Clixgrid Click
This method also like Single Row Clicking but it will be vertical row instead of Horizontal. Winning Clixgrid strategy is very low.
Cross Clixgrid Click
Cross Clixgrid click method is clicking in the cross way. Few chances to win this way. I tried few times, I got extra 5 clicks few times.
Scatter Clicking
Scatter Clicking is best method of Clixsense Clixgrid game. You can get more chances to win. There is maximum wining amount is $10.
I will explain some more method in next posts.
1) Single row clixgrid Click
2) Single Column Clixgrid Click
3) Cross Clixgrid Click
4) Scatter Clicking
Single Row Clixgrid Click
You can try this method. Click in a horizontal boxes. If you are standard member, you can only click one row only. Gold members can click two rows. Here is possibility is low. Because there is 30 x 20 Grid boxes. So we can't predict exact row. So here is choice to win very low.
Single Column Clixgrid Click
This method also like Single Row Clicking but it will be vertical row instead of Horizontal. Winning Clixgrid strategy is very low.
Cross Clixgrid Click
Cross Clixgrid click method is clicking in the cross way. Few chances to win this way. I tried few times, I got extra 5 clicks few times.
Scatter Clicking
Scatter Clicking is best method of Clixsense Clixgrid game. You can get more chances to win. There is maximum wining amount is $10.
I will explain some more method in next posts.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
How can anyone earn fast money through ClixSense?
The Best way to earn money from Clixsense is by doing surveys and tasks. If you are in a top tier country such as United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom you will surely earn decent income from Clixsense.
Otherwise, I recommend to recruit members and take advantage of their unlimited referral system and affiliate programs. Refer as many as you can to take advantage of their affiliate programs. Clixsense has the best Affiliate program amongst all Top PTC Sites in the business. You can generate serious income from their 8-level affiliate program without doing much.
Otherwise, I recommend to recruit members and take advantage of their unlimited referral system and affiliate programs. Refer as many as you can to take advantage of their affiliate programs. Clixsense has the best Affiliate program amongst all Top PTC Sites in the business. You can generate serious income from their 8-level affiliate program without doing much.

How can you get money form neobux or PTC sites?
Nowadays peoples are looking to earn money online for their extra income. I searched from google lot of days. I found few legit online PTC sites. I will list the site to you. You don't need any money or expert level to earn.
1) Clixsense
2) Neobux
1) Clixsense
Clixsense is No.1 Best Legit online PTC site. They will pay to you when viewing their ads. I first didn't believe. I just checked with new signup. I regularly clicked ads and participated in survey. Within a month i got 8$. Clixsense minimum amount of payout for standard member is $8. I got the amount.
2) Neobux
Neobux is No.2 Best PTC site. We should follow their TOS (Term of Services). Here you can surf ads daily. There is lot of minjobs available. Another method of earning is Rental referral. You should do more analyze before rent a referral. Read their forum.
You can start earning. If you have any question you can contact me.
1) Clixsense
2) Neobux
1) Clixsense
Clixsense is No.1 Best Legit online PTC site. They will pay to you when viewing their ads. I first didn't believe. I just checked with new signup. I regularly clicked ads and participated in survey. Within a month i got 8$. Clixsense minimum amount of payout for standard member is $8. I got the amount.
2) Neobux
Neobux is No.2 Best PTC site. We should follow their TOS (Term of Services). Here you can surf ads daily. There is lot of minjobs available. Another method of earning is Rental referral. You should do more analyze before rent a referral. Read their forum.
You can start earning. If you have any question you can contact me.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
ClixSense guide: Best strategy fo 100$ daily
Install the ClixAddon (and keep it active!)
Your ClixSense strategy requires the ClixAddon so you can stay on top of what surveys, tasks and ads are available to you.The Clixsense addon is crucial for your Clixsense strategy, as it lets you know what’s available as it happens.
If you’re not familiar with ClixSense add on (the ClixAddon), find specific details here.
With the 800 people who are logged into Clixsense at any given time competing for the next task, good deals go fast. They will probably not be there a few hours later.
The ClixAddon tells you what’s happening immediately, in real time, so you can be one of the first ones there and never miss a thing. The first batch of participants in any of these areas (surveys, offers, PTC ads, tasks) has the best opportunity for earning. They get more offered to them, and first picked for limited qualification requirements.
Leaving the ClixAddon running for an hour each day also contributes to your Daily Checklist bonus. But if you see it there all the time and get used to the information it is giving you, you’ll notice how valuable it can be to you.
Complete the Daily Checklist bonus EVERYDAY..
The Daily Checklist bonus is the other area you should focus on every day. This bonus rewards you for staying active on the site and coming back daily. The percentage paid to you is based on your entire personal earnings total, not including referral earnings.
The checklist is easy to complete if you’re there trying to earn anyway. If you plan to earn the checklist bonus daily, you should definitely reconsider the Premium Membership.
After a while, you’ll notice that the more you earn from the site, the bigger this bonus gets. The amount will become too significant to pass up.
Update your profiles for the Clixsense surveys As part of your Clixsense strategy, be sure to update your survey profiles to get qualified for the higher paying surveys.
Clixsense is overly generous with its survey rewards. If you qualified for each and everyone of these, you’d be set!
But these are not always so easy to qualify for. What you need to understand is which type of person each survey is targeting by the questions being asked. If you know what’s behind the survey questions being asked, they are much easier to qualify for.
Check out this list of secrets that the market researchers don’t want you to know, then go update your profile to fit the ‘profile’ they’re looking for. You’ll qualify more often for the highest-paying surveys.
And sign up for as many of the survey companies attached to ClixSense. The survey offers will flood in through your ClixAddon and you’ll boost your earnings fast!
Your ClixSense strategy requires the ClixAddon so you can stay on top of what surveys, tasks and ads are available to you.The Clixsense addon is crucial for your Clixsense strategy, as it lets you know what’s available as it happens.
If you’re not familiar with ClixSense add on (the ClixAddon), find specific details here.
With the 800 people who are logged into Clixsense at any given time competing for the next task, good deals go fast. They will probably not be there a few hours later.
The ClixAddon tells you what’s happening immediately, in real time, so you can be one of the first ones there and never miss a thing. The first batch of participants in any of these areas (surveys, offers, PTC ads, tasks) has the best opportunity for earning. They get more offered to them, and first picked for limited qualification requirements.
Leaving the ClixAddon running for an hour each day also contributes to your Daily Checklist bonus. But if you see it there all the time and get used to the information it is giving you, you’ll notice how valuable it can be to you.
Complete the Daily Checklist bonus EVERYDAY..
The Daily Checklist bonus is the other area you should focus on every day. This bonus rewards you for staying active on the site and coming back daily. The percentage paid to you is based on your entire personal earnings total, not including referral earnings.
The checklist is easy to complete if you’re there trying to earn anyway. If you plan to earn the checklist bonus daily, you should definitely reconsider the Premium Membership.
After a while, you’ll notice that the more you earn from the site, the bigger this bonus gets. The amount will become too significant to pass up.
Update your profiles for the Clixsense surveys As part of your Clixsense strategy, be sure to update your survey profiles to get qualified for the higher paying surveys.
Clixsense is overly generous with its survey rewards. If you qualified for each and everyone of these, you’d be set!
But these are not always so easy to qualify for. What you need to understand is which type of person each survey is targeting by the questions being asked. If you know what’s behind the survey questions being asked, they are much easier to qualify for.
Check out this list of secrets that the market researchers don’t want you to know, then go update your profile to fit the ‘profile’ they’re looking for. You’ll qualify more often for the highest-paying surveys.
And sign up for as many of the survey companies attached to ClixSense. The survey offers will flood in through your ClixAddon and you’ll boost your earnings fast!
How is the limit of direct referrals calculated?

First of all, you can only have direct referrals after you meet these conditions:
- Been a member for at least 15 days
- Have made at least 100 clicks
After these conditions are met, the direct referral you can have will be based first on the following limit:
- Standard: 30
- Pioneer: 60
- Golden: 200
- Golden+Pioneer: 250
- Golden/Emerald: 300
- Golden/Sapphire: 300
- Golden/Platinum: 400
- Golden/Diamond: 400
- Golden/Ultimate: Unlimited
Depending on how many days you've been registered, all those days, minus the first 30, will count towards a limit increase.
This means that the older member you are, the more referrals you may have.
The amount will be based on your current membership/pack and the days you're registered (minus 30). This amount will vary and is explained below:
- Standard/Pioneer = Days-30 divided by 4
- Golden (without a pack) = Days-30 divided by 2
- Golden (with a pack) = Days-30
For example, if you have been registered for 330 days (which minus 30 gives 300 days):
- Standard= 30 + (300/4) = 105
- Golden = 200 + (300/2) = 350
If a user registers with your username he/she won't be your referral if you haven't met the 15 days/100 clicks condition or have reached the limit of allowed direct referrals.
You can always remove all direct referrals you don't want to make room for new ones.

Monday, May 2, 2016
Why i joining in Clixsense?
Clixsense is website on which you can easily work by giving some time and effort. You can Google it to verify authenticity of clixsense. This is website paying since February, 2007.
You must know few question before choosing any website for earning money online.
1. What are you to lose?
Nothing but just amount of time you can easily spare for earning.
2. What are you to gain?
Easy money and long term income source.
To join, simply click here.
What is ClixSense?
Clixsense is good online earning platform with very stable and clear business model. Anyone can earn money online with out any skill or expertise. Few people think that it is not easy to make a lot of money with clixsense in beginning. They are right in saying that because Clixsense grooms with you consistency of work. Don’t worry you may get small amount of money in start but with the time you’ll have a lot of money with less effort. It is rightly said “ If you work more than what you really earn eventually you will get paid more than you work”
I’m writing my strategy for you so that you can also work with strategy and become success full earner in less time without paying a penny.
In start you will be earning only few cents by viewing advertisements. But with by completing offers, surveys and tasks you’ll be able to earn a lot. Read here for earning methods of clixsense. Here I’m going to write key to long term success in ClixSense through referrals. Referrals are best long term source of income on ClixSense.
If you haven’t joined clixsense yet, get registered by clicking HERE for free before moving forward. I will take few minutes.
Why i prefer Clixsense to you?
1) Because Clixsense always doing best and paying me instandly.
2) Never suspended my account.
3) Clixsense providing best support through forum or email.
4) Provides multiple ways to earning (Ads, Survey, Offers and minijobs).
5) Always provided me with feeling to be a part of best ever.
You can Believe me I can challenge that you can earn too and for free no investment needed all countries accepted but you have to follow my guidelines .
2) Never suspended my account.
3) Clixsense providing best support through forum or email.
4) Provides multiple ways to earning (Ads, Survey, Offers and minijobs).
5) Always provided me with feeling to be a part of best ever.
You can Believe me I can challenge that you can earn too and for free no investment needed all countries accepted but you have to follow my guidelines .
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