Saturday, May 7, 2016

ClixSense guide: Best strategy fo 100$ daily

Install the ClixAddon (and keep it active!)

Your ClixSense strategy requires the ClixAddon so you can stay on top of what surveys, tasks and ads are available to you.The Clixsense addon is crucial for your Clixsense strategy, as it lets you know what’s available as it happens.

If you’re not familiar with ClixSense add on (the ClixAddon), find specific details here.

With the 800 people who are logged into Clixsense at any given time competing for the next task, good deals go fast.  They will probably not be there a few hours later.

The ClixAddon tells you what’s happening immediately, in real time, so you can be one of the first ones there and never miss a thing.  The first batch of participants in any of these areas (surveys, offers, PTC ads, tasks) has the best opportunity for earning.  They get more offered to them, and first picked for limited qualification requirements.

Leaving the ClixAddon running for an hour each day also contributes to your Daily Checklist bonus.  But if you see it there all the time and get used to the information it is giving you, you’ll notice how valuable it can be to you.

Complete the Daily Checklist bonus EVERYDAY..

The Daily Checklist bonus is the other area you should focus on every day.  This bonus rewards you for staying active on the site and coming back daily.  The percentage paid to you is  based on your entire personal earnings total, not including referral earnings.

The checklist is easy to complete if you’re there trying to earn anyway.  If you plan to earn the checklist bonus daily, you should definitely reconsider the Premium Membership.

After a while, you’ll notice that the more you earn from the site, the bigger this bonus gets. The amount will become too significant to pass up.

Update your profiles for the Clixsense surveys As part of your Clixsense strategy, be sure to update your survey profiles to get qualified for the higher paying surveys.

Clixsense is overly generous with its survey rewards.  If you qualified for each and everyone of these, you’d be set!

But these are not always so easy to qualify for.  What you need to understand is which type of person each survey is targeting by the questions being asked.  If you know what’s behind the survey questions being asked, they are much easier to qualify for.

Check out this list of secrets that the market researchers don’t want you to know, then go update your profile to fit the ‘profile’ they’re looking for.  You’ll qualify more often for the highest-paying surveys.

And sign up for as many of the survey companies attached to ClixSense.  The survey offers will flood in through your ClixAddon and you’ll boost your earnings fast!

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